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수상하신 모든 분들 진심으로 축하 드립니다!
2019년 2월 13일(수)부터 15일(금)까지 강원도 웰리힐리파크에서 개최된 『제 26회 한국반도체학술대회(KCS 2019)』에서 발표된 논문에 대한 수상자가 다음과 같이 결정되었습니다. 많은 축하 부탁 드립니다!
※ 관련 문의사항은 한국반도체학술대회 사무국(kcs@ksia.or.kr)로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
최우수 논문상
J. Nano-Science & Technology
[TD1-J-4] Modulation of Synaptic Plasticity of Carbon Nitride-Based Phototransistors under Light Stimulation
Hea-Lim Park1, Yeongjun Lee1, Sungjin Park2, and Tae-Woo Lee1
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, 2Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Inha University
P. Device for Energy (Solar Cell, Power Device, Battery, etc.)
[FJ1-P-6] Atomic-Layer Deposition of Crystalline BeO for Gate Dielectrics of Wide-Bandgap Power Transistors
Seung Min Lee1,2, Jung Hwan Yum3, Eric S. Larsen3,4, Christopher W. Bielawski3,4, and Jungwoo Oh1,2
1School of Integrated Technology, Yonsei University, 2Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology, Yonsei University, 3Center for Multifunctional Carbon Materials, IBS, 4Department of Chemistry, UNIST
우수 논문상
C. Material Growth & Characterization
[FG3-C-6] Synthesis of WTe2 Nanobelts from Eutectic Alloy Reservoir and their Current-Carrying Capacity
Seunguk Song1,2, Jinsung Kwak1,2, Jong Hwa Lee1,2, Jae-Ung Lee3, Se-Yang Kim1,2, Jung Hwa Kim1,2, Yeoseon Sim1,2, Yongsu Jo1,2, Hyeonsik Cheong3, Zonghoon Lee1,2, and Soon-Yong Kwon1,2
1School of Materials Science and Engineering, UNIST, 2Low Dimensional Carbon Materials Center, UNIST, 3Department of Physics, Sogang University
D. Thin Film Process Technology
[TF2-D-5] Wafer-Scale Growth of Single Phase SnS2 by Atomic Layer Deposition
Jung Joon Pyeon1,2, In-Hwan Baek1,3,4, Taek-Mo Chung5, Jeong Hwan Han6, Chong-Yun Kang1,2, and Seong Keun Kim1
1Center for Electronic Materials, KIST, 2KU-KIST Graduate School of Converging Science and Technology, Korea University, 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, 4Inter-University Semiconductor Research Center, Seoul National University, 5Division of Advanced Materials, KRICT, 6Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
우수 포스터상
[TP1-147] Modified A* Algorithm for Obstacle-Aware Topological Bus Routing
Daeyeon Kim1, SangGi Do2, and Seokhyeong Kang1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, POSTECH, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, UNIST
M. RF and Wireless Design
[FP1-200] A Low Power CMOS MedRadio Receiver RF Front-End
Taejong Kim, and Kuduck Kwon
Department of Electronic Engineering, Kangwon National University
S. Chip Design Contest
[TI1-S-5] Demonstration of Real-Time Terahertz Imaging based on Asymmetric FET Integrated with Patch Antenna in 65-nm CMOS Technology
E-san Jang, Min Woo Ryu, Sang Hyo Ahn, Hyung Ju Jeon, and Kyung Rok Kim
Department of Electrical Engineering, UNIST
G. Device & Process Modeling, Simulation and Reliability
[FB1-G-1] Observation of Mobility and Velocity Behaviors in Ultra Scaled Lg=15 nm Silicon Nanowire pMOSFETs with Different Channel Diameters
Seunghwan Lee, Jun-Sik Yoon, Jinsu Jeong, and Rock-Hyun Baek
Department of Electrical Engineering, POSTECH
K. Memory (Design & Process Technology)
[FA3-K-4] Effect of Diammonium Hydrogen Phosphate on Selectivity Between Si3N4 and Poly-Si High Selectivity CMP Slurry
Hae-Won Nam1, Sang-Su Yun1, Gi-Ppeum Jeong1, Jin-Hyung Park2, and Jea-Gun Park1
1Advanced Semiconductor Materials and Devices Development Center, Hanyang University, 2UB Materials Inc.
E. Compound Semiconductors
[FH3-E-1] Excellent Sub-Threshold Characteristics of MIS-Fin HFET by Using M-Plane Sidewall Channel
Quan Dai, Dong-Hyeok Son, Ryun-Hwi Kim, Jun-Hyeok Lee, Jeong-Gil Kim, Terirama Thingujam, Seung-Hyeon Kang, Hyeon-Su Lee, and Jung-Hee Lee
School of electronics engineering, Kyungpook National University
F. Silicon and Group-IV Devices and Integration Technology
[TC2-F-1] Design and Fabrication of Multi-Channel Nanowire SiGe MOSFET
Eunseon Yu1, Jae Hwa Seo2, Baegmo Son3, Sangjoon Park3, Won-Jun Lee4, Jongwan Jung4, and Seongjae Cho1
1Department of Electronics Engineering, Gachon University, 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, 3Wonik IPS, 4Department of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering, Sejong University
I. MEMS & Sensor Systems
[FL1-SS-2] 3D Printing-Based Pressure Sensor with Porous Dielectric Elastomer for Healthcare Monitoring
Jinsu Yoon1, Jinhee Park1, Bongsik Choi1, Yongwoo Lee1, Yeamin Kim1, Hyo-Jin Kim1, Geon-Hwi Park1, Min-Ho Kang2,
Dong Myong Kim1, Dae Hwan Kim1, and Sung-Jin Choi1
1School of Electrical Engineering, Kookmin University, 2Department of Nano-Process, NNFC